Saturday, 5 January 2013

Saturday Recap: Day 5

I have decided (yes, just now) that Saturdays will be the day I look back on my week and, with a little luck, smile at the happy things. One thing I would very much like to work on, though it doesn't merit a space in the New Year's Resolution Series, is focusing more on the positive than negative; being thankful for good things when they happen instead of dwelling on the bad stuff all the time. I'm not by nature a generally negative person, but one thing that is hard to escape is being completely consumed by it when life starts to suck. I've had a generally pretty sucky last couple of years, but we won't focus on why right now! (See! I'm off to a great start already).

Image credit: Found on Pinterest; links to - original source unknown
When I first saw this image on Facebook, the idea behind it was to write something happy or good every day of the year so that on New Year's Eve you can go through the slips and remember what a great year you had. I figure that it's hard enough keeping track of taking my vitamins and blogging every day, so adding another new daily habit at this stage has potential to sabotage the rest of my goals. Looking back on the week though? Perfect balance in my opinion.

So, without further adieu...

Things that were great about this last week:

  • I ate Taco Bell for lunch yesterday/Friday. I'll try not to put this on the list every week, since it's a recurring event... I love am obsessed with Taco Bell.
  • I got to go for coffee/tea with Alina and Teiza, and chit chat and catch up. We talked about nerdy girl gamer things!
  • Alina gave me some loose leaf tea! It smells ah-may-zing.
  • Damian and I got out for a date night/afternoon for New Year's Eve. We went snowboarding for the first time this season and I didn't even eat snow once! And no whiplash! Small victories!
  • We had a white chocolate brownie (Moxies) for dessert at dinner after snowboarding. This deserves it's own bullet point.
  • I built a super cool fort with Phoenix
  • I used way too many exclamation points! Enthusiasm!
Overall, pretty good week if this is all the information you have! Amirite?

How about you internet?
How was your week?

Until tomorrow...
- Jen

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