Tuesday, 1 January 2013

New Year's Resolution #1: Finishing what I start

I've done this so many times I'm beginning to lose count. "This" being: starting a new blog. I come to it, make one or two posts, but then I get busy. Life is funny that way - but ENOUGH I say. This time will be different, so ironically I've decided to make blogging part of a New Year's resolution. This is ironic because I can't name a single person that has made a resolution on the first day of the year and actually kept it.

But this year, I resolve to finish what I start.

Every day, for the next 365 days, I solemnly swear to blog something... anything... even if it's just sharing something cool I saw on Pinterest, lest I be sprinkled with sugar and devoured by six year olds. I'm not going to focus (completely) on designing everything and making my blog pretty (this may be largely what my problem is) and resigning myself to the free, and lovely default template I've been given. For now. There will be plenty of time to give the blog a makeover once I become rich and famous form a proper blogging habit, and it will probably give me something to write about, so double win.

To help me on my quest to blogger-dom, I feel I must share this gem that I (not surprisingly) found on Pinterest. I give you:

Image property of The Flourishing Abode @ http://www.theflourishingabode.com/

This 10-week blog series is from a graphic designer named April Starr, with a writing style I find similar to my own. Mostly I just like her style! We'll ignore the fact that she prefers Wordpress - I do love me some Wordpress, but I felt like Blogger would be easier to form a habit with. It's chock full of insightful goodness and the tips are generally transferable, even if I have to skip Part 8 in the series, though I can just keep it around in the event I ever make the switch -- or if I ever dust off my photography website, that has suffered the fate mentioned in the first paragraph, but was in fact created using Wordpress + my own domain.

Even if starting a blog (and finishing, if one could ever truly finish) is just an example, I really do have a problem finishing things that I start, so if there's anyone out there reading this:

What was the last thing you started but didn't finish?
How do you keep yourself on task? 

Let me know! Until then, I'll be planning out what to say tomorrow.

Here goes...
- Jen

New Year's Resolutions: A Series
1. Finishing what I start (You are here)
2. Make better friends(hips)
3. Meal Plans
4. Be Childish

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